Hey, ladies! We have a new addition to our team at Mod Style Lounge. Madeline will be filling in for Kaley for a while, and maybe become a permanent member if she likes it. I'll let her introduce herself:

How old are you?
I am 18 years old.
In what state were you born?
The beautiful state of North Carolina.
In what state do you currently live?
North Carolina.
What does "beauty" mean to you?
Beauty to me is defined by what's on the inside. If you're a beautiful person on the inside then it will radiate on the outside.
Which aspect we cover is your favorite? (clothes/hair/makeup)
Denfinitely clothing, I love to shop!
What is currently your favorite movie?
She's the Man and One Night with King are two of my most favorite movies they never get old to me!
What is your current favorite book?
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
What is your favorite music album?
Outsiders by Need to Breathe. It has a great folksy sound!
What is your current favorite style?
I like a lot of them and wear a lot of different looks but I really like the urban girly look.
What is your current favorite Bible verse?
Esther 4:12-14 "Do not think in your heart that you will escape the king's palace anymore than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arrive for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will persih yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
I think this verse is a great reminder that this is a time such as this to do what God has called us women to do.
What is your most favorite thing about being a girl?
This is such a difficult question for me because I love a lot of things about being a girl! But I love that God considers us as princesses. When I was really little my dad would call me his princess so when I think of God calling me a princess it reminds me that God loves me like a father loves his daughter.
What is your least favorite part of being a girl?
Lets just say it happens once a month and makes me crabby! haha
What would you like to do after you graduate?
Well after I graduate I will be attending Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL so I guess that is what I'd like to do!
What are some hobbies you have besides fashion and beauty?
I ballroom dance! I know it sounds extremely old fashion but it is a ton of fun!
Tell us something interesting about yourself?
Well I can't really say I have anything too interesting about myself, I'm just a girl who loves to follow after God's heart and try my best to please him in everything, including fashion and beauty. I was super excited when I got asked to help because I think this is such a cool way to glorify God. What could be more fun than talking about something you love and including the one you love to be a part of it?!
ohh and P.S. I loveeee coffee! :)

How old are you?
I am 18 years old.
In what state were you born?
The beautiful state of North Carolina.
In what state do you currently live?
North Carolina.
What does "beauty" mean to you?
Beauty to me is defined by what's on the inside. If you're a beautiful person on the inside then it will radiate on the outside.
Which aspect we cover is your favorite? (clothes/hair/makeup)
Denfinitely clothing, I love to shop!
What is currently your favorite movie?
She's the Man and One Night with King are two of my most favorite movies they never get old to me!
What is your current favorite book?
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
What is your favorite music album?
Outsiders by Need to Breathe. It has a great folksy sound!
What is your current favorite style?
I like a lot of them and wear a lot of different looks but I really like the urban girly look.
What is your current favorite Bible verse?
Esther 4:12-14 "Do not think in your heart that you will escape the king's palace anymore than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arrive for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will persih yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
I think this verse is a great reminder that this is a time such as this to do what God has called us women to do.
What is your most favorite thing about being a girl?
This is such a difficult question for me because I love a lot of things about being a girl! But I love that God considers us as princesses. When I was really little my dad would call me his princess so when I think of God calling me a princess it reminds me that God loves me like a father loves his daughter.
What is your least favorite part of being a girl?
Lets just say it happens once a month and makes me crabby! haha
What would you like to do after you graduate?
Well after I graduate I will be attending Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL so I guess that is what I'd like to do!
What are some hobbies you have besides fashion and beauty?
I ballroom dance! I know it sounds extremely old fashion but it is a ton of fun!
Tell us something interesting about yourself?
Well I can't really say I have anything too interesting about myself, I'm just a girl who loves to follow after God's heart and try my best to please him in everything, including fashion and beauty. I was super excited when I got asked to help because I think this is such a cool way to glorify God. What could be more fun than talking about something you love and including the one you love to be a part of it?!
ohh and P.S. I loveeee coffee! :)
Welcome Madeline! Can't wait to see what you will contribute to this blog! I've really enjoyed reading it so far-I haven't been reading it very long. I love NEEDTOBREATHE's cd too! They have such a unique sound!
Aw well I hope to find that we will have more things in common and that you find my posts worth your time to read!