
Just the Way You Are

I love this new song by Bruno Mars. He talks about the natural beauty in this girl he likes and he says that she doesn't realize that she's beautiful and I think that us girls can relate to being the girl who doesn't realize she's pretty. Every time someone gives us a compliment we take it but we don't believe it. But in the song Bruno Mars is telling this girl over and over again how wonderful she is and he never stops reminding her. He "tells her she's beautiful" and "amazing just the way she [is]." And I was thinking to myself after hearing this song, man I wish I had a guy who would say all those things to me and then I remembered:
God says just that. He tells us we're beautiful, in Genesis God says He created us in His image in Psalms 139:13-14 God tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalms 45:11 says the King is enthralled by you're beauty. Ladies we have had someone who has been telling us these things before the day we were born. God made us "amazing just the way we are". So next time you wish you had someone to tell you your beautiful pick up your Bible because God is telling you how wonderful you are all through out it.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of God romancing me and telling me I'm amazing the way I am! If more girls would understand how much God loves them, we wouldn't be so desperate for constant male attention!



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