It reminds me of the lyrics of Turn your Eyes upon Jesus which go "And the things of this world will grow strangly dim in the light of His glory and grace..."
That is so true! When I sing those words, suddenly the choice between the blue or the purple nail polish seems frivolous. Deciding which coffee flavor at Starbucks I'm going to buy isn't so important.
Ok, sorry for the rambling:) My point is, God has been showing me that I have been overly concerned with outward appearances. I was spending so much time making sure my skin was perfect or that I was always wearing a new stylish outfit. I was running after the kind of perfection the world screams as important. Well you know? Those things aren't what really matter.
God is teaching me something else: I'm not perfect (wow, big shock there, right?;) But I don't have to be perfect! My skin (one of my biggest insecurities) is a little blotchy and has a few acne scars - but that's ok! Really it is! Every strand of my hair won't always be perfectly in place (a.k.a I might have a bad hair day!) - that's ok! I'm not the 2011 airbrushed Covergirl model - and that's ok, I don't have to be! Realizing that I don't have to be flawlessly beautiful lifts such a huge weight off my shoulders!
I'm not saying wearing make-up or wanting to wear stylish clothes is wrong! I love those things:) But if that's what you're chasing after to find your self worth, you'll be left with an empty, unfulfilled heart and even more insecurity.
In the end, it's what's in your heart that makes you truly beautiful.

I have this friend (we'll call her Rebecca). Rebecca is one of the most beautiful girls I know. And it's her inner beauty, not her Covergirl bronzer that makes her glow from within! She's funny, compassionate, and possesses the radiant love of Christ. Although she is physically pretty as well, it's her inner beauty that makes her truly beautiful. I know many woman like that (men as well) who the world may not consider attractive, but their love for Christ makes them inwardly and outwardly beautiful.
That is the beauty I want. I would much rather have inner authentic beauty that represents and draws others to Christ. The beauty that lasts for eternity.
Whatever worldly things you pursue will someday be gone and forgotten forever, but whatever you do for eternity will last.
Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
Psalm 34:35
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
That may of sounded a bit scatter brained (sorry!), but it was something I felt I should share.
Have a great day beautiful girls!
yes, thats what I learnd too, when you look to eternity, everything grays out..
ReplyDeletegreat post!
Thanks for this, Grace! It's a great reminder.